Alta Ribagorça is also a region of festivals and popular culture. Discovering local heritage also means discovering festive spirit: falles (fire celebration during the summer solstice), local festivals, traditional dance, music, fairs, markets, …
Cattle fair in Barruera: handicrafts and food. Cattle show and sale.
- Town: Barruera
- Place where it develops: Passeig de Sant Feliu and old town
- Dates : last Sunday of September.
- Address: Patronat Vall de Boí – Ajuntament
Passeig de Sant Feliu, 43 – 25527 Barruera - Phone: 973 694 000 / 973 694 018
- http://www.vallboi.cat/
- vallboi@vallboi.com
- Contact Person: Montse Señís Vidal
Girella* fair. 21th Edition. Fair with demonstrations of ancestral local professions and traditions as well as current trade and touristic stalls. Preparation and tasting of girella on Mercadal square.
- Town : El Pont de Suert
- Place where it develops: Plaza del Mercadal, C/ Camp de la Vila and old town
- Dates : october 24
- Address: Ajuntament del Pont de Suert
Plaça Major, 9 – 25520 El Pont de Suert - Phone: 973 690 005
- http://www.elpontdesuert.cat/
- alcalde@elpontdesuert.cat
- Contact Person: Ines Marín
* typical sausage made of lamb, rice and other ingredients
All Saints Fair. Traditional cattle fair with cattle show and Brown Pyrenean Cow Contest.
- Town : Vilaller
- Place where it develops: Firal de Massaneres and surroundings
- Dates : November 2
- Address : Ajuntament de Vilaller
Pl. Sant Climent, 3 – 25552 Vilaller - Phone : 973 698 159
- http://www.ajuntamentdevilaller.cat/
- ajuntament@vilaller.ddl.net
- Contact Person : M. José Erta