El Caliu | Alta Ribagorça
El Caliu imatge

El Caliu

C/ Feixanes, 11
25528 Taüll
Tel. 973 696 212 / 649 248 171




After a day's skiing or an exhausting excursion through the Romanesque architecture of the Vall de Boí, you need to get your strength back. In Taüll, the restaurant El Caliu awaits us.
Recommended by the Michelin Guide and Repsol Guide.

Catalan home cooking. Magret of duck. Escudella barrejada. Wild boar civet. Free-range chicken. Entrecote of foal. Cheese flan. Lemon cream. Caliu salad. Duck sweetbreads salad. Salad of rooster's tail with mushrooms.

In the restaurant El Caliu we will find a balanced gastronomic offer, with prices that are not the usual in restaurants at the foot of the slopes, in which the simplicity of the grilled meats (accompanied by powerful garnishes, potatoes and artichokes al caliu, mushrooms...) is mixed with more elaborate dishes, some with the autochthonous accent of these mountains, others with a discreet French air. Both the jams and the liqueurs are homemade, made by the family with wild fruit picked personally.

What do you want to do?
Enjoy the authentic Pyrenees

Patronat Comarcal de Turisme de l'Alta Ribagorça | Av. Victoriano Muñoz, 48 | 25520 El Pont de Suert | Tel. 973 69 04 02 | pturisme@ccar.ddl.net